Voices og Migration

08. nov 2017

-Voices of Migration er en ny international kulturfestival, der undersøger den migratoriske erfaring og multikulturelle samfund. Aarhus d. 16.-19. november og London d. 24.-26. november 2017.


Festivalen undersøger den personlige erfaring af at flygte/migrere gennem kunstneriske og kreative udtryk (spoken word/poesi, musik, teater, talks og workshops), og udforsker og markerer, hvad der sker når kulturer "støder" sammen.

Kulturproducenter Renaissance one (UK) og Poetics (DK) har sammen skabt den dedikerede organisation Voices of Migration. Projektet kommer først og fremmest til udtryk som den internationale kulturfestival Voices of Migration festival, der gennem litteratur, poesi, musik, teater, workshops og debatarrangementer undersøger personlige migratoriske erfaringer, kultursammenstød og hvordan disse påvirker vores samfund og liv i dag. Formålet med festivalen er at vende den offentlige debat på hovedet og give stemme til dem vi så ofte taler om og ikke med – nemlig migrationens stemmer. Ambitionen er at skabe en følelsesmæssig forståelse, som skaber forandring og nye fællesskaber, som vækker forundring og bygger bro mellem mennesker på tværs af etnicitet, religion, seksualitet, køn og alder.

Voices of Migration vil bidrage til et mere sammenhængende og tolerant samfund, hvor fordomme og barriere nedbrydes i kraft af oplysning, udveksling og menneskelige møder. Festivalen inddrager aktivt publikum i spørgsmål om kultur, identitet, danskhed mm. og opfordrer således til at gentænke forskellige kulturers forhold til hinanden.

Festivalen præsenterer 20-25 danske og internationale forfattere, kunstnere og kendte stemmer i den offentlige debat, samt en række personlige fortællinger og vidnesbyrd fra ”almindelige” borgere. Alle bidragsydere bliver bedt om at respondere på tre udvalgte kernetemaer; drømme (for fremtiden), stemme (at give stemme til, at tage stemme, ytringsfrihed og censur) og ”Well-being” (hvordan påvirker ovenstående vores liv?).

Vi stræber efter at gøre migrations- og flygtningedebatten til samtalestof, hvor enkelte personers oplevelser gøres universelle og bidrager til debatten; hvordan skaber vi et samfund med sammenhængskraft, gode liv og fællesskaber på tværs af etnicitet, religion, seksualitet, køn og alder?

I en verden, hvor utrolig mange mennesker bryder op eller er tvunget til at flygte er det bydende nødvendigt, at dette tema også behandles gennem kunsten. Kunsten kan give et andet perspektiv, og kan vise enkeltpersoners oplevelse, så den bliver universel. Voices of Migration søger gennem kunsten, at skabe en følelsesmæssig forståelse, som skaber forandring.

Festivalens program vil centrere sig om litteratur og poesi, som indgår i et eksperimentelt blandingsforhold med andre kunstneriske genrer. Dette er for at finde nye måder at belyse erfaringen af at migrere, og samtidig stille spørgsmål om kultur, identitet, danskhed mm. Festivalen opfordrer således til at gentænke forskellige kulturers forhold til hinanden (normer og værdier - forskelligheder/ligheder), og tager ligeledes temperaturen på hvor verden står i forhold til det frie ord (gennem temaet Voice, som omhandler ytringsfrihed og censur).  

Line-up vil primært bestå af forfattere og kunstnere, der deler den migratoriske erfaring, samt "øjenvidner", som alle har erfaret kultursammenstødet på egen krop. I alt forventer vi at kunne præsentere 20-25 forskellige forfattere, poeter, journalister, musikere, komikere, spoken theatre, samfundsdebattører, lektorer fra universitetet og lignende.    

Ud over at formidle og genforhandle de diskurser, der er på spil ved kulturmøder, så er det også en vision at skabe rum for nye relationer og fællesskaber på tværs af etnicitet, religion, køn og alder, og i det hele taget bidrage til et mere tolerant samfund med sammenhængskraft.

Festivalen samarbejder med mange partnere på forskellige programpunkter, bl.a. Aarhus Litteraturcenter, Lærdansk Aarhus, Løves Bog- og Vincafé, Line Hassall og Poetklubben Aarhus, teatre Muzak og MARS, Rethink Human Being, International PEN, samt LIPS (Litteraturen på scenen). Yderligere samarbejder vi med Godsbanen, Radar og Hotel carmel, som ligger lokaler til vores arrangementer.

På debat-fronten ønsker vi at lave skarpe debatarrangementer, der vender den offentlige debat på hovedet og giver stemme til dem vi så ofte taler om og ikke med. Vi vil nuancere debatten ved at gå i dybden med emner, der centrerer sig om, hvordan vi skaber et samfund med sammenhængskraft, gode liv og fællesskaber på tværs af etnicitet, religion, seksualitet, køn og alder.


Symposium i salonen

Voices of Migration project er gået sammen med Litteraturen på Scenen (LIPS) om et symposium, der på traditionel vis blander den uformelle, afslappede atmosfære med debat og dialog. Voices of Migration Symposium sætter fokus på de litterære fortællinger om opbrud, kultursammenstød og de personlige erfaringer og implikationer, der følger med. Der åbnes for en debat om, hvad den multikulturelle samfundsudvikling betyder for vores samfund og for individet, og hvilken rolle litteraturen spiller i den offentlige debat.

Arrangementet henvender sig til forfattere og samfundsdebattører, studerende på Aarhus universitet og er i øvrigt offentligt og åbent for alle interesserede.

Skabt i samarbejde med Litteraturen på Scenen (LIPS) og Hotel Carmel, som lægger lokaler til Politik og tale – ytringsfrihedens veje og omveje Dette arrangement tager publikum på en rejse gennem forskellige personlige fortællinger om censur, som danner

grundlag for en debat om ytringsfrihedens tilstand i multikulturelle samfund i det 21. århundrede. Hvad truer ytringsfriheden i dag? Hvor går grænserne i et multikulturelt demokrati og rammesætter debatten om ytringsfrihed selve multikulturalismen som en trussel? Kan denne rammesætning tilskynde accept af hadtale?

Disse spørgsmål m.fl. vil blive lagt op til debat når Voices of Migration i samarbejde med Dansk PEN skaber et møde mellem kendte navne i den offentlige debat og ”almindelige” mennesker, der på egen krop har oplevet censur og forfølgelse.

Arrangementet indledes af teaterstykket TAPE TESTERS – et nonverbalt stykke, der sætter spot på censurens konsekvenser.


CULTURAL INTERVENTION - Lost and Found in Translation

Live debat, live art. Dette debatarrangement er stylet som en klassisk familieintervention, hvor debatten handler om migrationen og flygtningestrømmens betydning for individet, for samfundet og for fællesskabet, set fra begge sider af bordet. Iscenesat som en åben og direkte dialog, hvor publikum aktivt bidrager med holdninger for og imod forskellige synspunkter. Bølgerne går højt, men gennem live art performance sætte tingende i perspektiv og vi går forsonede hjem med nuancerede tanker og viden.


In the western world, and particularly the north, the notion of freedom of speech has become a core value and at the same time a much discussed subject. Along with free speech comes responsibility and just this responsibility dominates the political debate. TAPE TESTERS explores our relations with freedom of speech through strong visual and physical expressions. Two censured actors (only allowed to express themselves by stretching various forms of tape) explore and mark the consequences of censorship and play with opportunities and limitations that follow free speech. It is a metaphorical and symbolic production: What can be said when censored? Can we play ball with free speech? How far can we stretch free speech, and can it be used as a societal and social scope?

TAPE TESTERS is playing as part of a censorship panel discussion event consisting of prominent public voices alongside personal testimonies in regards to censorship and freedom of speech in the 21st century – co-produced by Founders and Danish PEN.

Produced by theatres Muzak and MARS

Voices of Migration – Coming to Aarhus and London November 2017

Produced and curated by Renaissance one and Poetics.

Partners include International PEN, Aarhus Litteraturcenter, Godsbanen, Løves Bog- og VinCafé, Y Aarhus Poetry Club, Litteraturen på Scenen, Lærdansk Aarhus, Hotel Carmel, Radar, Rethink Human Being, theatres Muzak og MARS and more..

In a world where so many people are moving, travelling and experiencing fracture and break up, this is a crucial time to artistically engage with migration. Not just the increasing factor of migration, but its effects on places and people, the importance of community, ways to co-exist in different cultures and how to thrive.

The arts offers us a unique perspective and ways of seeing, doing and being. They can show and reflect people’s experiences in a way that is useful, impactful and universal. They can bring heart. The festival will bring people together who are often not occupying the same spaces, to present, talk, debate, share, laugh and, to explore community and well-being.



- High-quality fiction, poetry, speech, theatre and music stages in two cities

Authentic voices and representation - challenging western, Eurocentric and other centric views, fostering social awareness, and cohesion

- A social, convivial and celebratory atmosphere that is stimulating as well as entertaining

- To present many cultures in order to offer stimulating experiences and multiple viewpoints and also audiences from many countries, cultures and backgrounds

- To encourage emotional understanding of the nature and issues of migration, and a more

tolerant and curious society

Three themes

- Dreams (for the future)

- Voice (giving voice, freedom of speech, having voice, censorship)

- Well-being (how does the above effect our well-being, how can we encourage well-being,

why should we?)



Welcome Event: A Nordic take on migration and diversity (EN)

Readings as welcome inspiration to festival contributors, partners and guests. A cosy and informal environment for guests to socialise, engage in the festival themes, find out more about the days ahead, and each other. Guest-curated by Allan Lillelund Andersen, Løves Bog- og VinCafé


ART WORKSHOP for children (DK)

An invitation to local schools to participate in making art that reflects their dreams for the future (multi-ethnic and cross-cultural). Curated by Founders and local artist.



CULTURE WRITES meets RETHINKERS THROUGH FRESH EYES (multi-lingual performance) Writing course and creative workshops culminating in a theatrical performance of multiple stories and human experiences seen through the eyes of individuals spanning a range of cultures and social backgrounds. Partners include Festival Founders, Aarhus 2017, Lærdansk Aarhus, Løves Bog- og Vincafé and theatres Muzak and MARS.



Poetry and talk at it’s best. Shivanee Ramlochan will share her thoughts on diversity; cultural, sexual and in relation to marginalised communities. Curated by Festival Founders.



A fresh and thrilling evening of some of the must-see contemporary poets and artist in Aarhus as well as internationals. Guest-curated by Line Hassall, Y Aarhus Poetry Club.



Voices of Migration – The Aarhus programme – Festival Highlights

POLITICS OF SPEECH – Freedom of speech and censorship. Panel discussion debating current issues of freedom of speech and Censorship Today. Presenting Khaterah Parwani,

Poyâ Pâkzâd and individual stories of censorship. Curated by Founders in partnership with Danish PEN.


PERSONAL PERFORMANCE by Nana- Francisca Schottländer

Experimental performance. Nana takes on freedom of expression through bodily performance. A satirical play exploring how the Danish relate to our newcomers.

Theatres Muzak and MARS.



A must-experience musical take on diversity within styles performed by internationally renowned artist Anthony Joseph and Aarhus locals.



A fresh and thrilling evening of some of the must-see contemporary poets and artist in Aarhus as well as internationals. Guest-curated by Line Hassall, Y Aarhus Poetry Club


CULTURAL INTERVENTION – community, diversity and living together (EN)

Talks and readings exploring ways of community, embracing diversity and living together.

Curated by Founders.


VOICES OF MIGRATION Project – collaborating with:


A Trinidadian poet, arts reporter and book blogger. She is the Book Reviews editor for Caribbean Beat Magazine. Ramlochan also write about books for the NGC Bocas Lit Fest, the Anglophone Caribbean’s largest festival, as well as Paper Based Books.

She is the deputy editor of the Caribbean Review of books.



Award-winning poet and performer emphasizing theatrical narratives and spoken word. Her poetry has been featured on radio and TV worldwide. Her latest book “Telling Tales” offers a 21st century take on Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales. Agbabi tours “Telling Tales” as a theatrical performance-poetry production at festivals, arts spaces and libraries across the UK and internationally.



International touring poet, playwright and performer. Awarded a Fringe First for “The 14th Tale”. Currently touring “An Evening with an Immigrant” and the critically acclaimed “Barber shop Chronicles” running in theatres across England. The play is likely to be adapted to film in the near future. Founder of and touring “The Midnight Run” worldwide, an urban, social performance / walking event.



Libertine John Hassall recently formed a new band The April Rainers. After a number of Scandinavian gigs The Rainers played a series of headline gigs in the UK. The debut album Wheels to Idyll was released in March 2017. All band members are originally from the UK and are now residing in Denmark.



Multi-artist within music and literature. Author of several poetry collections and recipient of an Arts Council award to conduct reading tours in the UK and across Europe. Joseph performs worldwide with his band “The Spasm Band”. His performances are poetic with a musical twist.



A central and active voice within the public debate pointing out challenges in areas of diversity, marginalized groups and equality. She has consistently advocated for marginalized women and their right to be heard in public debates. She was appointed one of the young opinion formers to follow.



Political Advisor and communicator at Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke – an NGO fighting injustice in the world. Pâkzâd is a strong voice within the public debate concerning issues of politics and society. He weekly airs his radioshow “Pakzads Systemkritik” at Radio 24/7.

Pâkzâd is also Board member of Danish PEN.



Danish writer and author of “White Girl”, a fictionalized collection of post cards written by white tourists, has been made into a play by the Royal Danish Theatre. “White Girl 2” just hit the streets. Hagen has performed her poetry at various festivals including CPH:LITT and Louisiana.


Our partners and ambassadors say

“At Radar we work in the cross-field of music and other modes of expression, such as literature, visuals, installations, design, and sound-art. Music is centre and basis, but collaborating with external players is an important part of Radar’s profile. Together we discover new ways for the arts. In this context we are very proud to be part of Voices of Migration as the festival explores a highly relevant and important topic that affects the arts, democracy, social cohesion, and the individual.”

- Mia Fuglsang Holm, Manager, Radar - Voices of Migration partner


“Hotel Carmel is a new cultural venue in Aarhus that fosters cooperation amongst various cultural players to promote, consolidate and strengthen diversity within the cultural arena in Aarhus. We are excited to be part of Voices of Migration as we share the same values and visions for the arts.”

- Kenny Brandt, Owner, Hotel Carmel – Voices of Migration partner


“Rethink Human Being and Færre Fremmede I Verden (Fewer Aliens on Earth) are delighted to be part of Voices of Migration, as we are dedicated to help create spaces for reflection on what it is to be human and how we are connected. Migration creates meetings – and any meeting can be perceived either as a thread or an opportunity – we see this festival as an attempt to create awareness of the latter and want to support that.”

- Christian Dietrichsen, Project Manager, Rethink Human Being – Voices of Migration partner and ambassador


“In a time where the public debate focuses on culture and ethnicity, and how the multi-cultural development affects western societies, I find important voices to be particularly absent. It is thus much needed and uplifting to be part of a most ambitious arts project with a range of events that also gives voice to the ones we so often talk about and not converse with: The true Voices of Migration.”

- Rune Engelbreth Larsen, Danish PEN – Voices of Migration partner and ambassador


“Litteraturen På Scenen (LIPS) is part of Voices of Migration as we believe the festival is unique and differentiates from other literature festivals in Denmark. It is an important festival capable of engaging the entire literary landscape in Aarhus and has various players acting in concert. The festival presents artists and literature not otherwise seen in a Danish context – literature that addresses global issues. Voices of Migration is professionally produced with competence at all levels, and a festival that we are proud to contribute to.”

- Mads Mygind & Christian Djurhuus, LIPS (Litteraturen På Scenen) – Voices of Migration partner


“Løves Bog- og VinCafé has teamed up with Voices of Migration as the festival highlights us as a cultural creator that fosters absorption in issues important to all citizens. We encourage an open environment through events that are stimulating, curious, and inclusive. We have great experience in producing literary events that explores taboos and promotes relevant personal stories. As partners Løves Bog- og VinCafé and Voices of Migration will encourage diverse, inclusive and tolerant communities, and we are excited to be part of this agenda.”

- Allan Lillelund Andersen, Head of Programmes, Løves Bog- og VinCafé – Voices og

Migration partner


“Lærdansk Aarhus has engaged with Culture Writes (part of Voices of Migration project) because of its exciting angle on diversity. The project offers a unique opportunity for our students to get their personal stories out there and in this contribute to and affect their city and community that they are part of for a shorter or longer period of time. At Lærdansk over 100 nationalities meet all with the purpose of learning the Danish language. By taking part in Culture Writes we emphasize a school of diversity on which foundation Lærdansk exists. Our students get to grow in skill and express and present individual stories through both text and theatre.”

- Kirstine Alexandersen, Head of Developement, Lærdansk Aarhus – Voices of Migration partner





Festivalen er støttet af FO-Aarhus' debatpulje