
20. Mar 2015

En international legefestival 9.-10. april i Filmby Aarhus, der sætter fokus på leg i undervisning, leg i kultur- og bylivet samt leg i arbejdslivet.

Deltagerne fra en lang række sektorer samt foredragsholdere og workshop-holdere fra ind- og udland mødes for at lege og for at blive klogere på, hvordan leg kan bringes mere i spil.

Udpluk fra programmet:

Panel: Playful Education - for all ages at all stages. Rikke Toft Nørgaard/Janus Holst Aaen, Aarhus University.

Workshop: Get started making great games with GameMaker - Dania Games.

Talk: Making the Smart City Human. Hilary O’Sshaughnessy/Verity Macintosh, Playable City.

Talk: Why leaders schould Play more. Annemarie Steen.

Workshop: How do we make our cities more playful. CounterPlay/Playable City.

Keynote: Game Jams and Informal Learning Spaces: Playful Making for Everyone. Scott Nicholson.

Workshop: The Art of Leading through Play - leadership lessons from childhood games. Elaine Rumboll, The Creative Leadership Consultancy

Workshop: Using games to playfully support change in organisations. Sune Gudiksen, AAU/Relation Technologies.

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Arrangementet er støttet af FO-Aarhus' debatpulje.